My brother, David, called me yesterday afternoon to tell me about the funeral service for Bro. Tommy Starrett. He said it was a very positive and upbeat service. Over 600 people were in attendance. About half of those were church members. The other 300 were people whose lives Tommy had impacted outside the walls of our church. To me, their is no greater tribute to a man's life than that. Please continue to pray for Starrett and Tinsley families. Also, pray for our Pastor, Ken Rhoades, as he leads our church family through this difficult situation. I am confident that God has a plan through all of this.
I realize that our last few post have been rather solemn and serious, so I also want to include a bit of exciting news today. During our phone conversation yesterday, David also told me that he gave his girlfriend, Brittany, an engagement ring. Apparently she took it. They have been talking about getting married for several months, but David didn't want to make any concrete plans until he had properly proposed and given her a ring. I'm very excited for them both. Pray for them as they begin to make plans for a life together. Have a great day!
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