Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday Nate

Today Nate turned two years old. Being his special day, we fixed him one of his favorite breakfasts: French Toast. After that we went outside to assemble his birthday gifts. He got a new swing and a slide. After getting them put together he had to, of course, give them a try. He had a ball playing on both. (We will post pictures later). We were invited over to our friend's, the Collins-Hunts, home in the afternoon where we celebrated his B-day along with Luke Lantrip's (whose 13th B-day was also today) and Simon Collins-Hunt's (whose 7th B-day will we on May 28th). Nathan had a great time as did everyone else. We had a ping pong tournament in which I finished first in my group after beating out 3 people under the age of 10 and losing only one match (to an adult) by only 3 points. In the semi-finals I was unfortunately beat out by my wife though who went on to lose in the final match. So basically I lost to everyone I played over the age of ten including to a lady. Man that is humbling. Well it's late here. Have a great weekend!


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