Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at our house

We had a nice, relaxing Christmas morning in our home. The boys took their time opening gifts and played with each one for quite some time before going to the next one. I couldn't get over their patience... I remember digging in and going nuts as a child.

Nate and I both looked out the window when we got up to see if the weather man was wrong and some snow had decided to come anyway... but no luck. So as we're opening gifts and doing our traditional watching (well, ok... 'listening') to "White Christmas" I saw something out between the curtains and jumped up! It was SNOWING! I mean, really flying thru the air... at one point it was blowing completely horizontally. It didn't really stick though, but Nate & I were so excited :) Danny & Micah stood behind the double doors in the living room-in the warmth. Wimps. Micah kept saying "It cold." haha.

Danny takes care of our traditional brunch. It's homemade biscuits, gravy, sausage, and eggs. Yes, I wrote sausage from scratch. We don't get any of that 'Jimmy Dean' or 'Owens' sausage from back home. It's really yummy and taste just like those brands. Since it's just the 4 of us we have a tradition to just make a big breakfast and have cold cuts or cheese and crackers later in the day, just so long as it's simple.

We were able to talk with both sides of our families. My family has video chat capabilities so that was lots of fun. My niece, Anna is just growing up so fast. I can't believe she'll be at least 18 months till we see her. I miss my parents, brothers, and sis-in-laws. We always have such a good time together. Danny's family is doing Christmas in shifts this year... so we'll talk to more of his siblings tomorrow (Sat.). But we did chat with a few of them and his parents. We miss hanging with the Caldwells too. There's so many of us and there's always games, conversations, and laughter going on.

How was your Christmas? Tell us of any traditions that are special to you!

I'm off to have a family movie night with my guys. Nate has about 3 picked out and since it's Christmas vacation I just might let him watch them all--assuming I or Danny can keep our eyes open :) haha.



thesawhooks said...

Sounds like a great time!!! We were by ourselves this year for the first was WAY more relaxing!

The Hull Munchkins said...

Merry Christmas guys! I'm so sorry for your loss. You seem to have such a great attitude although I'm sure your heart is hurting.
I've been thinking about you lately, wondering how you are doing.

Hang in there. Happy New Year!