Friday, February 27, 2009

Just some snapshots

This past week Nathan got to dress up at school for the Carnival. He was going to be a pirate for the last month, then on the morning of, when he was told that he couldn't bring his sword (school note said not to bring weapons), he didn't want to be a pirate. So we went back and forth with things we had in the playroom- cowboy, pirate, superman, spiderman, etc. Then he realized he had all the makings of a "Bob the Builder". The crisis was over. Everyone was happy. Danny & I (with Micah) had errands to run so we both took him to school and as he got out of the car we realized he didn't have his lunch bag. So Nate went to class and the rest of us went back home and grabbed his lunch. When I went upstairs to his classroom to tell him I brought it, I saw that he had already removed all things that would make him look like he dressed up for the day. The hard hat, tool belt, suspenders, etc. was off. I asked him what happened and he said it was getting in the way of playing with the toys in the classroom. Oh well.

We found these "tater-tots" and they are fun for the boys. Danny spelled their names and they got a big kick out of it.

Micah just being his adorable little self:

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