Well, I have had nearly 4 weeks of German class and tomorrow is our test. This test will decide if I'm where I should be. I'm hoping to stay in the same class, I KNOW there's no way I'll be bumped up :) ha! It's really nothing I can study for...if I don't know it now to use in a conversation then I probably don't know it. But I do get nervous just hearing the word "test"...I always have.
Danny is preaching this Sunday so he will be spending the rest of the day studying. Nathan and I will be playing and trying to stay somewhat quiet. Ok, maybe not quiet...but out of Danny's way! I do have laundy piling up... it seems like whenever we (yes, I have a great husband who helps out!) get a good amount done, another pile shows up and we're swamped again!
I think I have felt the baby move this week. I'm almost 13 weeks, so it's really early, but I've read that if you've had a baby before you're likely to feel the next one earlier. We go back to the Doctor in May and hopefully we'll be able to find out if we're having a boy or girl! Danny got Nathan to start calling the baby "Bob". His reasoning: Krista is "Babe" and Nathan is "Bud" so we needed a "B" name! Now Nathan points at my stomach when Danny asks, "Where's Bob?".
Have a SUPER day!
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