Micah is working on getting new teeth. He's turned into the drool King! He gnaws on his hands all day or a teething ring. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be making him to miserable yet.
Last weekend we invited a couple over and had a great time with our kids & theirs playing together. Danny is working on an outreach program with the husband and I go to a Mother/Child Bible study bi-weekly with the wife. Then this week we invited a newlywed couple over for dinner, she is from my Deutsch class. I gave her a Bible last year and she seems interested in studying together. This weekend another family is coming over to visit...busy, busy.... the good kind!
Thank you to all of you who wrote & told me you were praying for our family during this time of loss. We really appreciate it. It's hard being away from family, but every phone call, email, prayer is very special to us and reminds us of who is really keeping up with us.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things with the potty! The one thing that helped me, and Sonya was the one who told me this: don't put them on a potty chair, use the actual potty so they don't have to learn to go in both. I don't know what you are using, but that sure helped me!! Keep up the good work!! You have GORGEOUS boys!
i agree wait til they are ready..pushing it, will only make them frustrated and pushed away from learning..do you have cartoon potty seat, a seat that is placed on the reg potty seat? I agree potty chairs are a waste. JMO.
I know I spent alot of time reading and just sitting in the bathroom. U know BEST..keep it up..
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