Last night we attended the concert of The Singing Men of Texas ( Danny's been helping the church in Graz that we attended our first 2 yrs. here ,with the organization of this group. Over 60 men (some with wives) were on a European tour to sing in some cities. The leaders of the group were here a year ago to check out the place and that's when we first met them. Ever since, Danny's been one of the middle men-being an American and knowing German. Doesn't hurt that we're from Texas. Anyway, it was great. Danny will have to write and tell you about the goose-bump-it's a small world moment he had. I wasn't there so I'll let him tell you all. Also, Danny & I were both alter workers at this event. We're hoping that thru the many comment cards and those that checked that they'd like a New Testament Bible will be contacts for future Bible studies for the Church in Graz & our Sunday Bible study. Pray for us while we work on that aspect of it now. There's a couple of pics from the concert below that the SMOT photographer took.
It was so great to be out and be able to wear a nice outfit without the worry of "Will spit-up come out of this?" The Browns were great to watch our boys. Nathan loves going to their house. We got home and Micah was out for the night, but Nathan still had some chattiness to him...don't know where he gets that! haha! He's still sleeping and it's 9:30am! It's taken me awhile to get this post done because Micah woke up.
My Grama is doing great. She had surgery to put a stint in to help with blood flow. Continue to keep her and my Papa in prayer that a full recovery will come soon.
My parents are trying to sell their house in KC, MO. and hope to move to Texas by mid-June. We'll be taking a furlough (before they decided to move, but what a nice perk!) from mid-August till the end of November. We're praying for new supporting churches. The Euro/Dollar exchange is really taking a hit to our monthly support.
We visited with some friends that we continue to share our Faith with....they have questions at times but you can see them fighting it. Pray that we'll always say the right thing at the right time and not shy away with fear.
The Mayor of Graz

The Singing Men of Texas

The Minioriten Hall in Graz

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