Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Made it!

We arrived safely at DFW yesterday (August 14th). It was a loooong flight. Nathan did great even with a couple of typical 3 yr. old moments, but he's always been such a good traveler. Micah on the other hand was quite the challenge. This was his first trip. Since he's been born 10 months ago, the farthest he's traveled is Vienna when we went to the Consulate to register him and get his passport and that was just a 2 hr. car drive. He was sooo very tired and just couldn't get comfortable. When he gets fussy at home I just go put him in his crib and shut the door (sometimes he cries sometimes he doesn't) and he falls asleep. He's not a cuddly, hold me baby. So on the plane when he was giving all the signals of "I'm tired put me to bed" I had to say "You're in your bed... my arms!"

So we don't have internet at the apartment, but Danny is going to look into it and see how much it would cost for a few months. Otherwise, we'll come over to my parents house (all of a 3 minute drive). Thanks for praying for us and we miss you (if you're in Austria) and looking forward to seeing so many of you on this side of the ocean.

Oh--Nathan told us last night and a couple of times this morning that he didn't like our "new house" (apartment) and that he wanted to go home. But he got over it when Danny took him to the apartment complex pool this morning and now we're at Grampa and Grammy's house for lunch and their pantry is stocked. There won't be any spoiling here I think--LOL!


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