Saturday, July 19, 2008

Giving credit where credit is due...

Nathan will say things like:

'What a sunny day... God made the sun and it's hot!'

'God did a good job on making that... (whatever it might be)'

Well, today was no different. While waiting for lunch he was looking thru the free little magazine by Lego that he got at a recent visit to a toy store. He was asking me to "check it out, Mom!" or "what is this spaceship called?". Then I hear him say, "Wow, God made all of these and they're so cool, aren't they?!?!".

So as much as I hated to burst his bubble....we had to have a very short recap on what God, Himself, made and what He gives people the ability to do. I'm so proud and think it's just so sweet how Nate automatically gives God credit for everything around us. Something I need to remember everyday.

God, our Creator. The Creator of all things. All praise & honor belong to Him.

1 comment:

stephB said...

that's so funny! abby does the same thing. the other day while we were driving she asked me how God made all the you said...i felt bad having to explain it. it's so sweetly innocent!