Friday, September 05, 2008

Getting ready

On Monday, Nate will begin Kindergarten (more like preschool) again. If you remember, he started this past January '08 and really liked it. He had a couple of rough months with the language barrier, but by the end of the school year he was saying little phrases in German and getting along quite well with the other kids. We are so proud of him. There's just no better way for him to be a LIGHT in his own world. Who else is going to tell those sweet kids and their parents about Christ? Our kids can reach people Danny & I probably will not-- without their presence in the school. The opportunities are endless. God really placed some fantastic teachers in that school. Please pray for Andrea and Ruth. Those are the teachers Nathan had last year and will have again this year. Also, pray for Nathan. His speech is getting much better and I'm hoping that the summer break didn't take too much of his German. When he watches t.v though he always requests for it to be in German. That's not too hard since we only get German cartoons. haha. It's nice to know that he desires to hear it though.

I can't forget our Micah... pray for this adorable little guy too. He's nearly 2 yrs. old and will really miss Nate. They've spent the summer together playing, wrestling, laughing, getting into trouble, and now sharing a room together. I have no idea how I'm going to entertain him all morning! haha.

Have a wonderful day... we're off this afternoon to get a few things for school.


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