Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Precious faces

Just look at these faces!!! The last one is hilarious! I told them to smile really big and to stand still. Nathan did it... Micah, well, he's always kinda been in his own world, but he stood to attention and threw his head back and cheezed! haha! I love these crazy guys.

-a proud mommy-

ps- THEY requested ties for Christmas. He has been playing "police man" and needed a blue shirt and a tie he informed me one day. So I came across these shirts that came with ties at H & M... Nate was thrilled to pieces! Daddy, however, before all this pain-stakingly made a tie out of paper for Nate and he LOVED it. But the "real thing" is more stable.

Here's the homemade tie and "gun" (hanger). Did I ever mention my boys are easily entertained?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

What sweet boys you have!