Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!

We were married on August 6, 1999 in Ft. Worth, Texas. Danny was 21 and I was 20 (we were kids!!!). We were both full time college students and working full time jobs in Missouri. Some say the first year is the hardest. We both agree it was the easiest.

Here we are on the day of our 5th anniversary. We had arrived just a week earlier in Graz, Austria. Nathan was 9 weeks old. The last couple of years had been quite the ride with moving a couple of times, finishing school, new jobs, losing a baby, traveling the country raising support, and then saying good-bye to family and good friends to move to the other side of the world. Yet, we were more in love than the day we married.

Now here we are-- 10 years of marriage. Danny is 31 and I'm 30. Looking back it doesn't really feel like it's been that long. Then when you mentally think of all the things we've gone thru as a couple... yeah, 10 years sounds about right ;) As of today (Aug. 6th 2009), we have two babies in Heaven (one before Nathan and one just last Christmas '08). Nathan who is 5 years old and Micah almost 3 years old--the twinkles in our eyes. Oh the fun we've had on this ride!

Happy 10 years to us! God has blessed us more than we deserve. I'm so thankful for Danny. He's definitely the smarter one, the more patient one, the kinder one, well, I'm not that bad... he's just awesome! I know most everyone says this... but I can now say it's true. I'm more in love with Danny today than I was 10 yrs. ago. What did those 2 kids really know?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought about you guys on your anniversary. I went and looked back at pictures and we were all young. Todd and I had only been married a year and a half and Braden was not quite a year old! Oh the places we have been since then. A major milestone you guys have passed and what blessings you will reap for your faithfulness and love for one another. I'll never forget the first time I met you (My wedding rehearsal!) I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful sister in law and that you are such a blessing to my brother and to our family as a whole.I love you guys and I am very proud of you! And here's to the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, etc.....Your love for one another only continues to grow more and more.