Friday, December 11, 2009

29 weeks

In some ways February seems quite far away with all that we have going on between now and baby time, but when I look at the numbers... I have 11 weeks or 9 weeks (Nathan was 2 weeks early) left to go! Whoa! I need to get busy :)

We've been working on rearranging the house a little bit. The guest room (which has only been used for family visits... and we have a heads up when they come and it's never long) is now going to be the baby room. So family/guest get to crash in Danny's office now, don't worry... the bed is in there :) We have so much other stuff going on that I have no idea when or how we're going to get it all done. Danny is calm about it (obviously he's not "nesting" haha.) and reminds me that the baby will probably be in the cradle the first month or so in our room. Ok, so he's right.... but still. I'd love to have it all done now or yesterday actually ;)

Nathan is getting very excited about our baby girl's arrival. I told the boys that Grammy (Grampa should too during that time as well) was going to be here around the time the baby was going to be born and that got them all excited! Micah knows a baby is coming, but doesn't quite grasp it the way Nathan does. Both have baby sister on their list of who to shop for this Christmas... it's really sweet!

Yesterday, I took Micah to the Dr. because the night before he had struggled with a bad cough all night. He had a runny nose the whole day too. On the drive to Kindergarten I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was not something to treat at home and just "let it run it's course". So I dropped Nathan off and drove to the Dr. with Micah. Turns out it was a good thing I listened to that "mommy sense".... he has an ear infection and she could hear wheezing before she even listened with her stethoscope then confirmed that he has bronchitis pretty bad. This is becoming typical of Micah.... he goes from barely sick to really sick in 24 hrs. usually. We've got 3 different meds right now and the Dr. is keeping an eye on possible development of asthma So we're learning to keep an eye on him when he gets just the basic sniffles.

Well, the weekend is upon us and that brings quite a bit of busyness to our household. We're supposed to get some snow and I'm ready!!!


1 comment:

F. Deaton said...

I *cannot* wait to see pics of that new baby girl!!! Praying for you to have a healthy baby and an easy delivery. Love you guys!