Sunday, February 07, 2010

My Danny

For Danny's birthday we were going to have steak and potatoes, but after church some very good friends of ours invited us to stop by on our "way home" to pick up a gift they had for Danny. Well, it turned out they already had steak and potatoes ready to cook for us. What a fun surprise! All of our kids played so well together, we ate peacefully, and I didn't have to cook or clean up :) Then we came home and had some cake that I made the day before and opened a couple of gifts the boys picked out.

Danny shared on my birthday post that the best way he thought to "honor" me on my day was to decorate for Christmas. Well, what better way for Danny to be "honored" than to have the Superbowl be on his birthday!?!? He watched it with some of the guys on the football team he plays for here in our city. They had a lot of fun and Danny told me he was able to share what we're doing here with more people and answered a lot of questions about what we believe. Opportunities everywhere.

Danny is an AWESOME husband, daddy, and friend. I love how God has developed our family and put us together. I couldn't imagine life with anyone else.

I love you, Danny.

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